Human development experts agree that emotional intelligence is one of the basic personal skills for success in any business. Emotional intelligence is linked to the ability of the individual to communicate effectively within and outside the work environment, the need to develop emotional intelligence for the individuals involved in dealing with clients who represent the policies of the organization in its dealings with the client is greater.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course participant will be able to:
Enable participants to think clearly and make decisions by balancing mind and heart.
Discuss the qualities of an emotionally intelligent person and reflecting it in his personal and practical life.
Recognize the need of customer service staff to employ emotional intelligence in the performance of their work.
Know the factors that increase or decrease the emotional intelligence of a person.
Enable participants to employ emotional intelligence in whatever serves the client.
Train participants on multiple skills to develop emotional intelligence.
Study the impact of emotional intelligence in promoting effective communication and quality of service provided to the client.
Practical representation of the application of emotional intelligence in dealing with different situations can be exposed to a customer service employee
Starting Date
22 September
English / Arabic
22 Marchr 2020
English / Arabic
22 September
English / Arabic
22 Marchr 2020
English / Arabic
Fees + VAT as applicable
Tax Registration Number : 100239834300003
(including coffee breaks and a buffet lunch daily)
KHDA - Accreditation of the Knowledge Authority - Dubai: All of our courses are accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in the United Arab Emirates
Bristol Academy: All our courses are accredited by Bristol Academy - Kuala Lumpur
LMGO: All of our courses are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management - Switzerland
Global Innovation Institute - GInI: The center is accredited to offer all specialized innovation courses from Global Innovation Institute in America