About Wideview

Proudly Innovated

About Wideview

WideView for training and consultancy was established in UAE, 2009. From that time, Wide View Strived to be the best in providing a wide range of training and consultations solutions, in a result of these efforts, Wide View was the first Cisco Entrepreneur Institute in the UAE and then continued strategic partnerships with bright companies around the world, representing Momenta company in Singapore, a registered Member with EFQM, European Foundation for Quality Management, that is based in Belgium and it is a partner with GII “Global Innovation Institute” that is based in the USA, as well as continued cooperation with international companies such as Apricot Academy in Singapore, KMM in South Korea and Wilson Learning International, and we are proud of our partners from the private and governmental sectors in UAE and Gulf area in the way of success and provide the best always.

WideView offers training, consulting, benchmarking, best practices, and annual leadership and innovation forums also, Weidview for Training and Consultancy has trained hundreds of senior officials in both government and private sectors, implemented consulting projects for various bodies, and has specialized programs and projects for leadership development and second-class leadership, many of whom have joined leadership programs for Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, Germany and Britain.

WideView for Training & Consultancy is an accredited company of Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), registered in (Maaref) the governmental gate of knowledge, and is annually evaluated as a preferred training partner for the Federal Resources Authority

WideView focuses on leadership & Innovation development, performance, coaching and customized consultation, that tie organization, people, culture, mission, values, and conventionalism.


To be the first choice for development and innovative skills seekers

World-class training and consultation that deliver better outcomes.

Innovate to boost organizations and individual’s performance with self-actualization.

Dedicated to provide our clients with training that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience and intellectual stimulation.

Execute with excellence in everything we do.

Valuable content, activities and case studies that promote innovation and creative thinking.

Inspiring participants to develop leadership capabilities.

Ensure sustainability and balance short-term results with long-term requirements.

Winnable abilities that create value.

  • Customized In-House Training Programs
  • Benchmarking, Best Practices and Study Tours
  • Public Training Programs
  • Customized Consultation
  • Conferences & Forums
  • Creative learning

We will continue to provide the best and most efficient services, which are consistent with our evolving ambitions. WideView shapes exceptional set of Expertise:

  • Governmental Training & Solutions.
  • Leadership Functions.
  • Innovation.
  • EFQM and Excellence Assessment.
  • HR Solutions
  • KPIs & Performance Management Systems.
  • Governance.
  • Healthcare, Pharmaceutical & FMCG.
  • Project Management.
  • Islamic Banking.
  • Finance Management.
  • Sales & Marketing.
  • Education.
  • Cultural Diversity.
  • Customized Technical Programs.
  • Group activities.
  • Role play and Discussions.
  • Action Plan.
  • Games.
  • Case studies, Simulations and Creative Projects.
  • Video films, videotaping and playback
  • Course Assessment
  • Coaching 1 on 1
  • Brain storming
  • Podcast and visits
Our Achievements
Partners & Clients