Personal Branding


Until recently, the power of influence was restricted to celebrities and public figures, but now, anyone who wants to spend time and effort and build their virtually personal stature can become a "thought leader" who gets support and has an influence power of their own.
Have you ever asked yourself why I did not reach a specific job or a certain position that matches my qualifications that I know well? Why do others have the keys to influence and reach others, and in some cases, they have average abilities and skills ?!
It is the power of personal branding, this force that makes the equation of skill and knowledge insufficient to reach what you want, so success needs real knowledge of what sets you apart and communicates it to others. This course aims to help you re-establish your presence in your social and work environment and reach your goals in the shortest way.

Course Objective

By the end of this course participant will be able to:

  • Help you to determine where you really want to invest your energy and define your destination.
  • Reveal What’s your unique selling proposition, and know what people will remember about you.
  • Know how to use and invest in your selling proposition and develop your talents.
  • Learn how to reintroducing yourself to your existing network.
  • Helps you to prove your worth in professional and social life.
02 May 
English / Arabic

Certificates and Associations

  • KHDA - Accreditation of the Knowledge Authority - Dubai: All of our courses are accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in the United Arab Emirates
  • Bristol Academy: All our courses are accredited by Bristol Academy - Kuala Lumpur
  • LMGO: All of our courses are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management - Switzerland
  • Global Innovation Institute - GInI: The center is accredited to offer all specialized innovation courses from Global Innovation Institute in America

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