Financial Risk Managements

Course Overview

Risk management has become the cornerstone and essence of all investment decisions.In this course you will be aware of all concepts of risk and modern ways of hedging risk, how to face and overcome financial risks, how strategies are built to address risks, how financial risks turn into financial crises, ways to overcome financial crises, and how financial risks arise under change management. Short-term and long-term risks to the institution and modern ways to build a financial and administrative risk sensing system through a balanced financial performance card system.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course participant will be able to:

  • Provide participants with financial risk management concepts and strategies.
  • The importance of studying financial risk management and its impact on the level of performance of the institution.
  • Identify and understand risks that limit the ability of management to achieve its objectives.
  • To create a comprehensive system to manage these risks and assess their value based on the severity of their impact and probability of occurrence and prioritize their importance
  • Develop plans and preventive and remedial measures and contingency plans to deal with them.
  • Inform participants of procedures and methods for dealing with risks.
  • Provide participants with knowledge and skills for risk analysis (risk analysts).
  • Know how to categorize risks at work.
06 December 
English / Arabic
15 November 
English / Arabic
27 September 
English / Arabic

Certificates and Associations

  • KHDA - Accreditation of the Knowledge Authority - Dubai: All of our courses are accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in the United Arab Emirates
  • Bristol Academy: All our courses are accredited by Bristol Academy - Kuala Lumpur
  • LMGO: All of our courses are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management - Switzerland
  • Global Innovation Institute - GInI: The center is accredited to offer all specialized innovation courses from Global Innovation Institute in America

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