Analyzing Financial Statements to Evaluate Performance


Financial statements are a professional way to evaluate financial performance and position at a point in time. A general-purpose set of financial statements usually includes a balance sheet, income statements, statement of owner’s equity, and statement of cash flows so, it can give users outside of the company, like investors and creditors, more information about the company’s financial position. in this course, you will learn how to read and analyze these financial statements, so you can know the whole situation of your company to be able to take the perfect decisions.

Course Objective

By the end of this course participant will be able to:

  • Realize the nature of financial analysis as a total process.
  • Be able to read financial statements.
  • Review the types of financial statements and study the relationship between them.
  • Understand the implications of financial indicators and ratios to analyze them.
  • Identify profitability ratios and indicators.
  • Identify asset management ratios and indicators.
  • To enhance experience and develop expertise in financial reporting to assess the financial situation and prepare recommendations based on the analysis of the financial statements.
  • Gain the ability to identify strengths and weaknesses based on analysis of financial indicators
09 December 
English / Arabic
12 April 
English / Arabic

Certificates and Associations

  • KHDA - Accreditation of the Knowledge Authority - Dubai: All of our courses are accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in the United Arab Emirates
  • Bristol Academy: All our courses are accredited by Bristol Academy - Kuala Lumpur
  • LMGO: All of our courses are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management - Switzerland
  • Global Innovation Institute - GInI: The center is accredited to offer all specialized innovation courses from Global Innovation Institute in America

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