Complex Problem Solving Skills


Complex problem solving skills are the developed capacities used to solve novel, ill-defined problems in complex, as one of the top ten future skills, all companies will need this skill because they are facing complex problems every day. To manage these issues, large sets of information, known as ‘big data’, are used to define the right solutions. Artificial intelligence (AI) can gather huge amounts of data and analyse it, but businesses still need employees to question this information and use complex problem solving skills to define the right plan of action. This course will help you to focus on details and think analytically and to become solutions-focused person by acquiring specific skills.

Course Objective

By the end of this course participant will be able to:

  • Recognize when a problem requires a systematic approach.
  • Enable participants to develop an SCQ sequence and how to frame your problem.
  • Learn how to map out all the possible problem causes using a WHY map.
  • Identify and organize all the potential solutions using a HOW map and
  • determine which are feasible.
  • Know how to see the big picture and plan your next actions.
25 May 
English / Arabic

Certificates and Associations

  • KHDA - Accreditation of the Knowledge Authority - Dubai: All of our courses are accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in the United Arab Emirates
  • Bristol Academy: All our courses are accredited by Bristol Academy - Kuala Lumpur
  • LMGO: All of our courses are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management - Switzerland
  • Global Innovation Institute - GInI: The center is accredited to offer all specialized innovation courses from Global Innovation Institute in America

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